Anderson Ye Zhang

Office: 427 Academic Research Building
265 South 37th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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Personal Information

I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at the Wharton School, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Computer and Information Science, at the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining Wharton, I was a William H. Kruskal Instructor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Chicago. I obtained my PhD degree from the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Yale University, advised by Professor Harrison Zhou.

I have a broad interest in the theory and application of statistics and machine learning. My current research interests include:


Exact Minimax Optimality of Spectral Methods in Phase Synchronization and Orthogonal Group Synchronization
Anderson Ye Zhang
Annals of Statistics. Accepted. 2024
PDF | supplement | arXiv | Slides

Fundamental Limits of Spectral Clustering in Stochastic Block Models
Anderson Ye Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 70.10 (2024): 7320-7348
PDF | IEEE | arXiv | Slides

Leave-one-out Singular Subspace Perturbation Analysis for Spectral Clustering
Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Annals of Statistics. Accepted. 2024
PDF | supplement | arXiv | Slides

Achieving Optimal Clustering in Gaussian Mixture Models with Anisotropic Covariance Structures
Xin Chen, Anderson Y. Zhang
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2024. Oral. Accepted

Novel Spectral Algorithms for the Partial Credit Model
Duc Nguyen, Anderson Ye Zhang
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024. Spotlight

A Novel and Optimal Spectral Method for Permutation Synchronization
Duc Nguyen, Anderson Ye Zhang

Optimal and Private Learning from Human Response Data
Duc Nguyen, Anderson Ye Zhang
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2023

Efficient and Accurate Learning of Mixtures of Plackett-Luce Models
Duc Nguyen, Anderson Ye Zhang
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2023
PDF | AAAI | arXiv

A Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory
Duc Nguyen, Anderson Ye Zhang
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2022. Spotlight
PDF | NeurIPS | arXiv

Uncertainty Quantification in The Bradley-Terry-Luce Model
Chao Gao, Yandi Shen, Anderson Y. Zhang
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA. 12.2 (2023): 1073-1140
PDF | IMA | arXiv | Slides

Optimal Orthogonal Group Synchronization and Rotation Group Synchronization
Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA. 12.2 (2023): 591-632
PDF | IMA | arXiv

Optimal Full Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons
Pinhan Chen, Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
Annals of Statistics. 50.3 (2022): 1775-1805
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv | Slides

SDP Achieves Exact Minimax Optimality in Phase Synchronization
Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68.8 (2022): 5374-5390
PDF | IEEE |arXiv

Exact Minimax Estimation for Phase Synchronization
Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 67.12 (2021): 8236-8247
PDF | IEEE | arXiv

Partial Recovery for Top-k Ranking: Optimality of MLE and Sub-Optimality of Spectral Method
Pinhan Chen, Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
Annals of Statistics. 50.3 (2022): 1618-1652
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv | Slides

Optimality of Spectral Clustering in the Gaussian Mixture Model
Matthias Loffler, Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Annals of Statistics. 49.5 (2021): 2506-2530
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv

Iterative Algorithm for Discrete Structure Recovery
Chao Gao, Anderson Y. Zhang
Annals of Statistics. 50.2 (2022): 1066-1094
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv

Theoretical and Computational Guarantees of Mean Field Variational Inference for Community Detection
Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Annals of Statistics. 48.5 (2020): 2575-2598
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv | Slides

Community Detection in Degree-Corrected Block Models
Chao Gao, Zongming Ma, Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Annals of Statistics. 46.5 (2018): 2153-2185
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv

Achieving Optimal Misclassification Proportion in Stochastic Block Model
Chao Gao, Zongming Ma, Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Journal of Machine Learning Research. 18.60 (2017): 1-45
Best Student Paper Award, The 29th New England Statistical Symposium, April 2015
PDF | JMLR | arXiv

Minimax Rates of Community Detection in Stochastic Block Models
Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Annals of Statistics. 44.5 (2016): 2252-2280
One of the four selected papers presented in Annals of Statistics Special Invited Session in JSM 2017
PDF | supplement | AoS | arXiv

Discussion on "Minimax Optimal Procedures for Locally Private Estimation"
Anderson Y. Zhang, Harrison H. Zhou
Journal of the American Statistical Association. 113.521 (2018): 201-203

PhD Thesis "Community Detection: Fundamental Limits, Methodology, and Variational Inference"
PDF | ProQuest


NSF DMS-2112988 "Statistical Investigations in Ranking from Pairwise and Multi-wise Comparisons"


STAT 9710: Introduction to Linear Statistical Models (2024 Spring, 2022 Fall, 2022 Spring, 2021 Spring)
STAT 4310: Statistical Inference (2022 Spring, 2021 Spring, 2019 Fall)
STAT 24500: Statistical Theory and Method 2 (2019 Spring, University of Chicago)
STAT 22000: Statistical Methods and Applications (2018 Fall, University of Chicago)


Research Intern, Yahoo! Research, 2017.6-2017.8
Statistics Consultant, Yale StatLab, 2015.11-2017.5